Materi Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 4 "Literacy"
Hai anak-anak cerdas generasi maju Indonesia. Kali ini kita akan belajar Bahasa Inggris bersama Lesfajrinfo, yakni tentang materi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Literacy yang akan dibahas pada blog ini khusus untuk siswa / siswi SD/MI Kelas 4.
Materi mapel Bahasa Inggris ini sudah dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary serta Taks yang bisa dikerjakan dengan mudah meskipun di rumah. Semoga materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang Lesfajrinfo bagikan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi guru dan siswa yang membutuhkan referensi tambahan untuk melaksanakan belajar di rumah.
Today, there was a wedding ceremony to begin, the Sasak village was filled with traditional and interesting decorations which were performances of traditional music. A group of men carrying a large drum, a large drum called drum Beleq, Beleq means big.
The music performance instrument is a gong, terumpang, oncer, flute, and pancet, according to the story the drum Beleq is played when fighting to encourage soldiers. Dayu is very happy to see the Drum music performance.
During school holidays, Dayu's family went to grandma's house in Bali. Dayu’s uncle, Bli Oka invited Dayu to Lombok island. Dayu feels very happy. After they arrived, he was invited to the Sasak tribe settlement.
1. When Dayu go to Bali?
Answer: During school holidays
2. Who invited Dayu to go to Lombok Island?
Answer: Uncle Bli Oka
3. The tribe on the Island of Lombok is ....
Answer: Sasak
4. The name of the drum used for performing art in Lobok islands is ....
Answer: Drum Beleq
5. Music performance instrument is ....
Answer: Gong, Terumpang, Oncer, Flute, and Pancet
- Drum: Gendang
- Holidays: Liburan
- Uncle: Paman
- Invited: Mengajak
- Island: Pulau
- Felt: Merasa
- Settlement: Pemukiman
- Tribe: Suku
- Ceremony: Upacara
- Begin: Mulai
- Village: Kampung
- Filled: Diisi
- Interesting: Menarik
- Decorations: Hiasan
- Perfomances: Penampilan
- Carrying: Membawa
- Large: Besar
- Means: Arti
- Flute: Seruling
- Fighting: Pertarungan
- Encourage: Mendorong
- Soldiers: Prajurit
- Performance : Penampilan
- Dish: Hidangan
- Different: Berbeda
- Eastern: Timur
- Gather: Mengumpulkan
- Introduce: Memperkenalkan
- Various: Berbagai
- Dishes: Piring
- Dinning: Bersantap
- Variety: Variasi
- Available: Tersedia
- Sago: Sagu
- Cassava: Singkong
- Boiled: Rebus
- Potatoes: Ubi
- Banana: Pisang
- Rice: Nasi
- Rarely: Jarang
- Source: Sumber
- Impressed: Terkesan
Edo shows meals, like cassava, boiled sweet potatoes, bioled banana, jaha rice, cakalang fish, gahu, and colo-colo sauce.
Maluku people rarely eat side dishes with rice, their source of carbohydrates is sago, cassava, sweet potatoes, boiled banana, or jaha rice. Udin and friend were impressed with the different.
On Sunday Edo invited Udin, Dayu, and Siti to gather at his house. Edo wanted to introduce the various special dishes of Maluku. At the dinning table a variety of foods are available.
Answer: Udin, Dayu, and Siti
2. When Edo invited his friend to his house?
Answer: Sunday
3. What the foods are served by Edo?
Answer: Cassava, Boiled sweet potatoes, Boiled banana, Jaha, rice, Cakalang fish, Gahu, and Colo-Colo sauce
4. What is the source of carbohydrates people Maluku?
Answer: Sago, cassava, sweet potato, banana, and rice jaha
5. What is the name of the processed fish from Maluku?
Answer: Cakalang fish
Demikian yang bisa Lesfajrinfo sampaikan tentang materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan topik Literacy ini. Meskipun sangat sederhana, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi Bapak / Ibu Guru atau siswa / siswi SD/MI Kelas 4 semua. Terimakasih.
Materi mapel Bahasa Inggris ini sudah dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary serta Taks yang bisa dikerjakan dengan mudah meskipun di rumah. Semoga materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang Lesfajrinfo bagikan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi guru dan siswa yang membutuhkan referensi tambahan untuk melaksanakan belajar di rumah.

I Love Reading
Unique Drum BeleqToday, there was a wedding ceremony to begin, the Sasak village was filled with traditional and interesting decorations which were performances of traditional music. A group of men carrying a large drum, a large drum called drum Beleq, Beleq means big.
The music performance instrument is a gong, terumpang, oncer, flute, and pancet, according to the story the drum Beleq is played when fighting to encourage soldiers. Dayu is very happy to see the Drum music performance.
During school holidays, Dayu's family went to grandma's house in Bali. Dayu’s uncle, Bli Oka invited Dayu to Lombok island. Dayu feels very happy. After they arrived, he was invited to the Sasak tribe settlement.
Answer the following question!1. When Dayu go to Bali?
Answer: During school holidays
2. Who invited Dayu to go to Lombok Island?
Answer: Uncle Bli Oka
3. The tribe on the Island of Lombok is ....
Answer: Sasak
4. The name of the drum used for performing art in Lobok islands is ....
Answer: Drum Beleq
5. Music performance instrument is ....
Answer: Gong, Terumpang, Oncer, Flute, and Pancet
- Unique: Unik- Drum: Gendang
- Holidays: Liburan
- Uncle: Paman
- Invited: Mengajak
- Island: Pulau
- Felt: Merasa
- Settlement: Pemukiman
- Tribe: Suku
- Ceremony: Upacara
- Begin: Mulai
- Village: Kampung
- Filled: Diisi
- Interesting: Menarik
- Decorations: Hiasan
- Perfomances: Penampilan
- Carrying: Membawa
- Large: Besar
- Means: Arti
- Flute: Seruling
- Fighting: Pertarungan
- Encourage: Mendorong
- Soldiers: Prajurit
- Performance : Penampilan
- Dish: Hidangan
- Different: Berbeda
- Eastern: Timur
- Gather: Mengumpulkan
- Introduce: Memperkenalkan
- Various: Berbagai
- Dishes: Piring
- Dinning: Bersantap
- Variety: Variasi
- Available: Tersedia
- Sago: Sagu
- Cassava: Singkong
- Boiled: Rebus
- Potatoes: Ubi
- Banana: Pisang
- Rice: Nasi
- Rarely: Jarang
- Source: Sumber
- Impressed: Terkesan
The Different Dish From Eastern IndonesiaEdo shows meals, like cassava, boiled sweet potatoes, bioled banana, jaha rice, cakalang fish, gahu, and colo-colo sauce.
Maluku people rarely eat side dishes with rice, their source of carbohydrates is sago, cassava, sweet potatoes, boiled banana, or jaha rice. Udin and friend were impressed with the different.
On Sunday Edo invited Udin, Dayu, and Siti to gather at his house. Edo wanted to introduce the various special dishes of Maluku. At the dinning table a variety of foods are available.
1. Who was invited to the Edo house?Answer: Udin, Dayu, and Siti
2. When Edo invited his friend to his house?
Answer: Sunday
3. What the foods are served by Edo?
Answer: Cassava, Boiled sweet potatoes, Boiled banana, Jaha, rice, Cakalang fish, Gahu, and Colo-Colo sauce
4. What is the source of carbohydrates people Maluku?
Answer: Sago, cassava, sweet potato, banana, and rice jaha
5. What is the name of the processed fish from Maluku?
Answer: Cakalang fish
Demikian yang bisa Lesfajrinfo sampaikan tentang materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan topik Literacy ini. Meskipun sangat sederhana, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi Bapak / Ibu Guru atau siswa / siswi SD/MI Kelas 4 semua. Terimakasih.
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